Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why Evangelism Doesn't Work Anymore...

So I don't necessarily agree/believe with this guy on some of his theological/soteriological views...but he has a point:

"So maybe we should just keep our mouths shut and forget about the whole evangelism thing. Perhaps we should just incarnate the Gospel and hope in quiet desperation that somebody sees a difference in us and takes time out of their meeting-packed day to ask us about Jesus. Maybe St. Francis was right: "Preach the gospel; if necessary, use words."

Or, just maybe, evangelism doesn't work anymore because Christians have lost their faith in the power of the Gospel message. As I travel the nation speaking to youth leaders and students, I see Christians, especially adults, who have lost their faith in the Gospel's ability to truly transform lives. Most sing about its power on Sunday morning but don't carry that melodic confidence into the workplace on Monday.

When we stop proclaiming Jesus with our lives and our lips, what is the result? America is falling apart morally. That's right—I place the blame for America's demise at our feet. We are keeping the cure to the cultural cancer of sin locked away in our hearts."
-Greg Stier, Christianity Today

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